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A member registered Aug 20, 2015

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Thank you :)

Hi Zachary,

I just noticed this. I'm the running Remote Game Jobs. Thanks a lot for sharing this :)

I did. But I haven't tried the game yet.

Your work is really beautiful. Love the the Stones Faces

LOL... that was you? We were wondering who uploaded this game.

The event is about gathering, making connections, and working with others over full weekend. Helps sharpen skills, and grow the community. There is no winner or rewards. The experience is the reward by itself.

Thanks for the question. Sorry, this game jam is only local. One could come today for example, join a team, and if he can't come physically tomorrow, do some remote work if his team are ok with that. But it's not a remote event over the internet.


Thanks for sharing a brief about yourself. Def would be great to have you join the event, and everyone can get into a team :)

See you then.

As you said, better late than never. And thanks for the introduction. I have seen you in several Lucky GG videos I think.

Great to have you :)

Hi Khazam,

Thanks for introducing yourself, and great to have you on board. See you Thursday :)

Good question, thanks. My suggestion would be for ease of use to bring laptop. I will inquire about a PC for you. Are you planning on leaving it over the weekend, or carrying it back home?

wish same here.

I think devs are rarest breed here then artists.

Good to know they still are open :)

thanks Abdulrazaq for this introduction. Would be great to start having game writers in Kuwait, as I'm sure right now we dont.

Q8bookstore: wow. Those guys still around :)

Same here :)

nope i was just missing with you as it's fun account :). Nice cat! Hope it's joining the jam

Thanks for introducing yourself.

Your camping festival art looks good and suitable for game assets. Thumbs up.

Your instagram... well, I can say we're gonna have so much fun time :D.

Looking forward to meet you.

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There is an article about it

Glad you're finding the discussion useful. And I'm confident you will find yourself more social than me eventually :)

And I'll start.

My name is Bashar Abdullah (@bashar3a). I'm a computer engineer, graduated in 2002 from Kuwait University, and worked in several positions as a web developer. My main project was launching the Knet online payment gateway (remember the cinema queues before NBK worked with KNCC? :).

After several jobs, I realized I'd much rather work for myself, and I started working on that. Since 2009 I've been self-employed, working on my own business. Past few years I've been going through a rut (a pattern is emerging you can tell), and I started exploring other interests. I decided to try and finally get into game industry. Ironically that ended up with me launching yet another web site ( that serves as a portfolio site for talents in the game industry (programmers, artists, composers...).

Right now, I'm in between working on Skirmish, and learning more about Unity, game design, and brainstorming game ideas. I am also dipping my toes here and there trying to make simple art, but trust me, you don't wanna see it.

Tag, you're it!


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Since we barely know each other, and we don't know who has what skills, and as @M.Sarwat said, it can be a bit awkward on first day, I thought I'd start this topic to let everyone introduce themselves.

Share your name, brief bio, your work, skills, tools you use, any experience in video games development, and what you hope to achieve in that path.

Thanks for bringing up this topic. I'm helping organize the event this time, and I'm extremely socially withdrawn. So trust me, I know where you're coming from.

However from my past experience at Kuwait Global Game Jam, many people are very open and welcoming. I only came for short time, shared some thoughts with a group, and they were more than happy to get me more involved.

A good tip is to try and arrive early on the first day, before it gets too crowded. It's always harder to break into large group. I've had that feeling before. And to make it easier, once you're there, ask either for me or Dherar and we'll make sure to make it an easier introduction :)

Thing is, people here are looking to have fun making games. So they all have shared interest in talking to others, even if they relent it.